If you are like most people, you will finance your home purchase with a Mortgage. The first step in this process is to to contact a qualified financial institution. Once speaking with a Mortgage specialist, he/she can review your financial information and make a determination on how much you qualify for and what type of loan works best for your situation.

Among the many choices of financial institutions (Large Depository banks, Credit Unions, Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Banks) we feel that the more specialized a lending institution is, the better it is for the client, especially in terms of customer service.

Our years of experience has allowed us to work with several great Mortgage Bankers and develop good relationships. We are happy to connect you with anyone we worked with in the past, but the decision is 100% yours and we are happy to work with any financing institution of your choosing.

Here are some examples of lenders you can research for yourself :

Annie Mac Home Mortgage
Gateway Mortgage
PNC Bank
RSI Bank
HomeBridge Financial Services